Eksemplarisk opførsel

8. runde i kandidatturneringen, Grischuk – Ivanchuk og som sædvanlig er Ivanchuk i sindssyg tidnød og alligevel (sakset fra Chessvibes.com):

“The Ukrainian was quite upset about what was already his third loss on time, and preferred to answer questions from the press separately from his opponent. Ivanchuk’s very correct play at the board should be mentioned, though: in the heat of the moment, with just four seconds left on the clock for three moves, he accidentally knocked over one of his opponent’s pawns. Where many players would (incorrectly) press the clock first and then quickly put back the pawn, the Ukrainian (correctly) did this in his own time.”

Dette indlæg blev udgivet i EMT, Nyheder. Bogmærk permalinket.

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